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The Spellbook
Self Spells Army Spells Defensive Spells Animate Dead  • Greater Protection  • Minor Protection  • Town Watch  • Wrathful Smite  • †Fog
Offensive Spells Aggression  • Anonymity  • Bloodlust  • Fanaticism  • Quick Feet  • War Spoils
Army Spells Inspire Army  • Hero's Inspiration  • Patriotism
Civil Spells Mystic Security Spells Divine Shield  • Mage's Fury  • Magic Shield  • Mystic Aura  • Nature's Blessing  • Reflect Magic
Thievery Spells Clear Sight  • Illuminate Shadows  • Invisibility  • Shadowlight
Economy Spells Builders' Boon  • Fertile Lands  • Fountain of Knowledge  • Love & Peace  • Mind Focus  • Paradise • Tree of Gold  • Revelation  • †Scientific Insights
Combat Spells Economy Damage Spells Friendly Blizzard  • Droughts  • Explosions  • Greed  • Gluttony  • Vermin
Unfriendly Amnesia  • Fool's Gold  • Land Lust  • Lightning Strike  • Magic Ward  • Sloth  • Tornadoes  • †Barrier of Integrity
Population Damage Spells Friendly Storms
Unfriendly Chastity  • Fireball  • Nightmares
Hostile Meteor Showers
Interaction Spells Friendly Crystal Ball  • Crystal Eye  • Pitfalls
Unfriendly Expose Thieves  • Mystic Vortex