Using IRC

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So you ask,

Ways of Connecting onto IRC

   Port(s): 6667, 7000, 9056

Java Chat

Java IRCs give a more user friendly interface as compared to CGI IRCs. It is probably the fastest way to get on IRC where you cannot install an irc client, and it has a decent interface.

The main problem is that it is blocked in several places where you don't have installation privileges.

IRC@Work or IRC@School

If you're at school or work, and you find that your access to IRC is blocked or you do not have administrative rights to install Java and hence connect through a Java Chat Client, try one of the more popular CGI-IRCs available below:

You can google for other CGI IRCs that allow you access- try using the keywords "CGI", "IRC", "utonet".

Connecting to UtoNet via an mIRC Client

In general, it is easiest to get onto IRC using an mIRC client. This may be downloaded here. Unfortunately, mIRC.exe does not work on Macs and such (unless you have Wine or a Windows Platform installed). If you are using a Macintosh system, you can try alternative client programs such as IRCle. Other clients that may be used also include Xchat.

   * Run mIRC. Press Continue when a box asking you to register appears. mIRC remains free to use even after it "expires". You'll just need to wait a little while before the "Continue" option is available. An mIRC Options box should appear.
   * Go to the Servers section and click the Add button. Fill in the form like so:
           Description: UtoNet
           IRC Server:
           Ports: 6667
           Group: UtoNet
   * Add
   * Choose UtoNet on the IRC Servers list
   * Select

This should bring you to the Connection dialogue. None of the fields really matter except the Nickname field. This is what people will know you as online.

Connect to Server (Upon connecting, your Firewall may ask you to unblock mIRC).

On the command line, type /j #xxxx