
From The Utopian Encyclopedia
Revision as of 09:34, 1 January 2021 by Icebuckle (talk | contribs) (Added an intro section to this page. Also added the Exploration formula to this page.)
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Exploration is one of the main ways of growing your Province. Via the Explore page, a province may send out soldiers, at the cost of gc, to acquire additional acres.

On this page you will have the following information:

  • Exploration Costs (Soldiers)
  • Exploration Costs (Gold)
  • [[Explore#Available_Uncharted_Acres|Available Uncharted Acres
  • Currently Exploring
  • Maximum Explorable Now

If you have the soldiers and the gold, you will be able to explore for acres to grow your province.

Available Uncharted Acres

Available Uncharted Acres, also know as the Explore Pool, has the following features:

  • Starts at 200 acres at the start of the age
  • It grows by 3 acres a tick
  • It will decay by .15% a tick
  • When a war ends, a provision of additional land is added when to each province's explore pool for both kingdoms


The following restrictions are in place:

  • Provinces may not explore without the resources to cover the costs.
  • At least 50% of existing acres must be built upon or undergoing construction.
  • The explore pool must be greater than 0 acres.
  • Provinces can not explore more than their current acres at once
  • Kingdoms with less than 10 provinces will see an increased explore penalty

Effects of War on Exploration

The following penalties apply during war:

  • Exploration costs increased to 500% during active war and end of war cease-fire (or 250% during end of war cease-fire for provinces below kingdom median, including incoming explored acres)

Exploration Formula

This is an old formula. Need help with this.

Soldier Cost

Exploration Soldier Cost = ROUND (3 + Metric/210 * War Status * Mills)

GC Costs

Exploration Gold Cost = Floor ((600 + 2.3 * Metric) * War Status * Mills)


  • Metric = ( Full Metric + Half Metric )1.12
  • Full Metric = Total Land - 300
  • Half Metric = MIN (Full Metric / 2 , [Land Explored - Land Lost] / 2)