
From The Utopian Encyclopedia
Revision as of 15:16, 16 May 2020 by Avenger (talk | contribs) (Table indexes)
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Networth is a nominal value in gold coins of a Province/Kingdom.


Total Networth =  (Peasants * 0.25) + (Soldiers * Soldier NW) + (Off Specs * Offspec NW) 
     + (Def Specs * Defspec NW) + (Elites * Elite NW) + (Money / 1000) + (Horses * Off value * 0.3) + (Prisoners * Prisoner NW)
     + (Thieves * 5) + (Wizards * 5) + (Books * 0.000007 * Acres) + (Barren Land * 40)  
     + (Buildings * 60) + (Buildings in Progress * 50)

Table indexes

Item NW Value
Building (complete) 60
Building (under construction) 50
Barren Acre 40

Item NW Value
Peasant 0.25
Soldier 1
Soldier (in training) 0
Defense specialist Defense Points * 0.5
Offense specialist Offense Points * 0.4
Elite Variable (see Race entry)

Item NW Value
Horse Offense Points * 0.3
Prisoner Offense Points * 0.1
Thief 5
Wizard 5
Gold 1/1000
Food 0
Runes 0
Science Book Acres * 0.000007