
From The Utopian Encyclopedia
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Category Word Description
Slang 1337 Leet/Elite. Said when someone is pretty good at what he does
Tools Angel Utopia Angel - a formatter tool for Utopia.
Spells Anon Anonymity (spell) Usage: He Anon'd his attack
Abbreviation A/T An Attacker which possesses equal thievery capabilities
Abbreviation A/M An Attacker which possesses equal mage capabilities
Slang Bank Refers to a province in a kingdom which is significantly larger than a majority of the provinces in the server and is used to aid/fund other provinces in its' kingdom as well as slay dragons. Colloquially known as cow.
Slang BF Battlefields (old server, was later merged with WoL)
Kingdoms BF Brute Force - a well known old kingdom
Slang Blanket Ops To blanket a particular op over a kingdom is to cover the provinces in a kingdom with a particular op Usage Orders for this war is to blanket MS over all their provinces above 2k acres.
Abbreviation BPA Books/Science points per acre
Slang BS Bullshit - when someone talks a lot of crap
Slang B&S Bugs & Suggestions - Old Utopia Forums. The new forums have separate forums for Bugs as well as Suggestions.
Slang Chain A form of concentrated attacks targeting one, or several provinces. They are normally carried out in war (as opposed to out of war, where GBP applies). Chaining is normally done to overpopulate, taking a great deal of land from a province in a short span of time which causes their military to desert.
Slang Cow See bank