From The Utopian Encyclopedia
Nickserv Command Subtypes
- ACCESS - Modifies or displays the access list for your nickname
- AJOIN - Modifies or displays the autojoin list for your nickname
- AUTH - Authenticates registration or change of E-mail
- DROP - De-registers a nickname
- GHOST - Terminates a "ghost" IRC session using your nickname
- IDENTIFY - Identifies you as the owner of a nickname
- INFO - Displays information about the given nickname
- LINK - Links a new nickname to a registered one
- LIST - Lists all registered nicknames
- LISTCHANS - Lists the names and the total number of channels you have registered
- LISTEMAIL - Lists registered nicknames but matches on E-mail addresses
- LISTLINKS - Lists all listed nicknames
- RECOVER - Allows you to recover your nickname
- REGISTER - Registers a nickname
- RELEASE - Instructs NickServ to remove any hold on your nickname
- SENDAUTH - Sends you a copy of the authentication code
- SET - Sets various nickname options
- STATUS - Returns whether the user using the given nickname is recognized as the owner of the nickname
- UNLINK - Removes a link to a linked nickname
- UNSET - Allows you to clear some information associated with your nickname