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Change Province Details

You may not change your province details unless the game is in the pre-age freeze period. In this page you will be able to modify details of your individual province and also be able to to reset all the actions previously made.

Vacation Mode

Suspend your province from suffering attacks and decay while on vacation. Vacation mode can then be de-activated by a monarch after 5 days if he or she wishes.

Province Sitting

Let a trusted kingdom-mate take charge of your province while you're away. This is a premium feature and requires points.

Abandon Province

Abandoning your province essentially deletes your province. Also, once you abandon your province you have a choice to leave your land in the game giving a monarch the ability to invite a player to takeover your province.

Random Move

If you do not like your current kingdom you may decide to move to a new kingdom at any time. But by doing so you will also loose up to 15% of your land, military and resources. This action is completely random and you have no control where your province will be annexed.