Welcome to Utopia, a world where reality and dreams come together, a world where the lowliest of peasants can become the world's greatest heroes. A world unlike any other that you may have experienced now stands before you. Any peasant can become Lord of their own province, but only the greatest can survive. Being a leader in the world of Utopia will challenge your every skill and demand your careful attention. Without diplomacy and tact, you will never rise to the respect the people demand of you. You must decide when to be ruthless and when to be compassionate. Will you run an empire of might or magic? Perhaps one of cunning and betrayal? Alas, it is almost impossible to do them all. Every decision, every challenge will be yours and yours alone.
Are you ready to be a Lord or Lady here in Utopia? If so, continue onwards...
As Lord or Lady of your lands, you will afterwards make the decisions that affect your people's daily lives. You will draft them into your service, send them off to war, decide when and what spells to cast, what to build, and how your population will live. As you enter the world, you will become more familiar with its workings. This will take time - do not be discouraged if you feel confused or overwhelmed. The Utopia Wiki will help you make your original decisions, and will be perfect for new players willing to discover the Utopian background. Read it as you wish, or learn as you go. Much of this information will be provided as necessary by your scribes, squires, and advisors within Utopia.
1998: Beta Period
Series of Betas, known as the "First Beta", "Long Beta & "Short Beta".
January 1999: Launch
Utopia was Launched by its' Game Creator, Mehul Patel.
Utopia was originally created under the company Solaria Games. It was renamed to Echelon Entertainment, and then in July 2000 was renamed to swirve.com.
3 Servers Existed - "World of Legends", "Battlefields" & "Genesis".
July 2008: OMAC acquires Swirve
Mehul Patel & Blake Gifford step down as OMAC acquires swirve.com.
Gameplay History
Age 30: Merge of BF and WoU
"Battlefields" and "World of Utopia" servers merged, and are now called "World of Legends".
"Genesis" Server Remains.
"Stand Off" is born.
- The Utopian Stand Off is a one-time only tournament server in which players get randomly assigned a kingdom and have the opportunity to compete until only one kingdom is left standing. All players sign up in advance of the game starting - once kingdoms have been assigned, no more players are allowed into the game. The game is designed to get more difficult as time progresses and is expected to last no more than about 3 months.
Age 34:Stances are Introduced
Stances are introduced to Utopia.
Kudos to you! I hadn't touhhgt of that!