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Remember, if you do venture out onto IRC, the real time interaction may dazzle you for awhile but ultimately you are STILL DEALING WITH STRANGERS OVER THE WEB. Here are some tips and pointers to take note of.

UtoNet Culture

UtoNet culture is

Net Safety

Don't accept unsolicited files

On a Mac, IRCing is a safe and enjoyable experience as there are no current exploitable ways of attacking a Macintosh remotely via IRC, or through the the network connection itself. That being said, with the increasing popularity of the Mac it is sensible to take care and exercise common sense when using IRC, even on a Mac.

Don't accept unsolicited files

The most important rule is not to accept file transfers from people you don't know unless you have requested the file.

Keep your OS up to date

Enable/Download release updates in order to ensure your system is well protected and to prevent potential remote attacks against your computer.

Avoid clicking on web page links posted by strangers

It is rare that you will be pasted websites meant to infect machines with viruses and spyware on UtoNet due to the small size of the community. Once in a blue moon, spammers or spambots may appear and post links in public channels, DO NOT CLICK ON THESE LINKS.

Normally, on UtoNet itself you may find yourself a victim of a Rickroll, or get linked to a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) website such as 2Girls1Cup, Lemonparty, TubGirl and the likes. Don't click it if you don't want to see it, or unless you trust the link/person.

 Alternatively, you can use sites such as to check what a link leads to. 

Be careful about giving out personal information

The people you talk to on IRC are strangers and you will only gradually get to know them through their messages. Even so, appearances can be deceiving and you are cautioned against giving out personal information without care.

Obviously your phone number will be given to your kingdom mates however remember that if anyone else should ask you for one of your kingdom mate's number, DECLINE. Would you like it if your number was being passed out to others? Just let them know instead that you will contact the kingdom mate and let them know that so & so is looking for them.

Same with addresses and the like, PLEASE EMPLOY caution and common sense.

Meeting Net Friends In Real Life

The vast majority of UtoNet users are decent, honest people and many people have first met on UtoNet and later on gone to meet up in real life, establishing friendships outside Utopia and some even progression to relationships [1],[2].

Still, you are advised to use caution when meeting net strangers in real life especially if someone seems too friendly and/or too interested in personal details ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE FEMALE.

Here are some tips from someone who has met up with several Utopians in real life.

  1. Try to meet up in a group.
  2. If you are meeting someone 1-on-1, even if you think you know them,

References 1. Versace, LightNing & Dani (editor) (2008). Love Through Utopia Part 1, Available at [online]
Copyright Property of and the persons involved.

2. Clarey & The Rock (editor) (2009). Love Through Utopia Part II, Available at [online]
Copyright Property of and the persons involved.