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Yes, I do plan on fixing this up so it's at wiki standards, I just pasted in one I wrote for the kd a while ago for the time being
== Why Ambush? ==
# To kill troops (especially if your target is an Orc with Elites in the army).
## '''Why? -->''' They have an insanely low defensive value elite.
## '''Why? -->''' Ambushes are 25% faster than normal attacks.
# To decrease your target's incoming land (especially if your target is a chain target).
# Because you're able to Ambush + Trad him and want to rub it in his face.
Okay, it's come to my attention that many in this kd don't feel comfortable ambushing, so I decided to write this step-by-step guide. The only tool you need which you might not have to successfully ambush is a SoM calculator.
== Notes About Ambush ==
# You can ambush each successful attack once. If you fail, too bad.
# You cannot ambush if your opponent used [[Spells#Anonymity|Anonymity]] or [[Spells#War_Spoils|War Spoils]].
# You cannot ambush a hit from a personality or race that has full ambush protection.
# If you successfully carry out an ambush you will recapture 50% of his captured land (unless the target has an ambush protection or vulnerability modifier)
# You ALWAYS ambush the most recent hit of the province you select UNLESS [[Spells#Anonymity|Anonymity]] or [[Spells#War_Spoils|War Spoils]] were used.
## You will ambush the last successful hit that did not use [[Spells#Anonymity|Anonymity]] or [[Spells#War_Spoils|War Spoils]].
## You CAN ambush an ambush.
Now, I'm sure you're all aware of how good it is to ambush orcs, but just in case you aren't, here's a basic run down:
== How to figure out how much offense to send ==
They have +30% gains
# Take an SoM
The have an insanely low defensive value elite
# Record the value of troops out in the SoM.
Ambushes kill troops that have been sent out
# Once you have obtained these numbers, use this formula:
Ambushes are 25% faster than normal attacks
So, you negate their +30% gains because you get 50% of what they took, you send out hardly any off to do so if they've only sent elites, you kill their offense, and your army gets back nice and quickly, ready to ambush more orcs. You can even your main offense out to do normal hits.
Copycats have kindly provided us with a bunch of orcs right now, not a single of which are warrior (who have -50% land losses when ambushed) so it's only fair we teach them the error of not going warrior when you pick orc.
<b>Raw Offense Required =</b> [(Target's Elites sent * Racial Elite Defense Value) + (Target's Off Specs Sent * Racial Def Spec Value) + (Target's Soldiers sent * (IF (Racial Soldier Defense Value = 0 , Racial Soldier Offense Value , Racial Soldier Defense Value))] * 0.8
Now, how do we ambush? The guide, as usual, isn't much help, but it does tell you a few things
'''Note:''' If racial Soldier Defense Value is 0, the Offense value will be used instead
"Strike an opponent's army away from home and recaptures 50% of the land stolen from you. Because of its surprise nature, no offensive or defensive modifiers are considered - only raw military strength - and the defense will fight at 80% of its normal capacity. Specialists in the opposing army will defend with their normal offensive strength. A province attacking anonymously or using War Spoils cannot be ambushed, and an army can only be ambushed once."
''Remember, this is the <b>RAW</b> Offense required - therefore, don't bother sending more than 1 general, they have no effect!''
The main things you need to know are:
'no offensive or defensive modifiers are considered - only raw military strength'
'the defense will fight at 80% of its normal capacity' - this is an exception to the 'no offensive or defensive modifiers are considered'
'Specialists in the opposing army will defend with their normal offensive strength'
'and an army can only be ambushed once'
Conveniently, the guide leaves out the bit about Elites defending with their defensive value.
So to ambush, you need to know how many troops have been sent out to attack your province. This is probably the hardest part of ambushing, and the bit where most people are going to screw up if they do. This is where the SoMs come in, and the SoM calculator. You will need at least 2 SoMs, and it's quite possible you will need more. This will most likely be due to the low amount of troops sent.
Conveniently, I have an example that was prepared earlier to better explain this.
=== Example===
June 4th, YR5 call (9:11) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (3:17) and captured 81 acres of land.
<i>June 4th, YR5 call (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl (XX:XX) and captured 81 acres of land.<br>
June 4th, YR5 call (9:11) invaded Rengakake Magicks (3:17) and captured 25 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 I just been (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl (XX:XX) and captured 139 acres of land.<br>
June 4th, YR5 I just been (9:11) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (3:17) and captured 139 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 piercing through (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl (XX:XX) and captured 131 acres of land.</i>
June 4th, YR5 piercing through (9:11) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (3:17) and captured 131 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 I just been (9:11) invaded Disturbed (3:17) and captured 25 acres of land.
Kzagl didn't take particularly kindly to these attacks, and thought it would be a good idea to ambush one of them, so he took 1 SoM a SoM of 'I just been', the largest hit against him, to see what troops had been sent out against him and whether it was a good idea to ambush
'''Kzagl''' didn't take particularly kindly to these attacks, and thought it would be a good idea to ambush one of them, so he took a SoM of '''I just been''', the largest hit against him, to see what troops had been sent out against him and whether it was a good idea to ambush.
<b>SoM on I just been</b>
** Armies #2/#3/#4 (Back in 10:46 hours) **
Ogres: 5,132 (49,308 offense / 11,485 defense)
Captured Land: 143 Acres
** Army #5 (Back in 10:52 hours) **
<i><nowiki>** Army #2 (Back in 10:46 hours) **</nowiki></i>
Ogres: 1,594 (15,315 offense / 3,567 defense)
Captured Land: 33 Acres
Now, there are two armies out here, but it's pretty easy to tell which one is the one that hit Kzagl, due to the large difference in captured land. The one that hit Kzagl is
Ogres: 4,424 (58,397 offense / 9,733 defense)</i>
** Armies #2/#3/#4 (Back in 10:46 hours) **
Ogres: 5,132 (49,308 offense / 11,485 defense)
Captured Land: 143 Acres
On seeing the no specialists (goblins) and high amount of elites (ogres), Kzagl made the decision to get a few of his acres back, so he took another SoM and started to calculate the ambush
<i>Captured Land: 139 Acres</i>
On seeing the no specialists (goblins) and high amount of elites (ogres), Kzagl made the decision to get a few of his acres back
** Armies #2/#3/#4 (Back in 10:51 hours) **
Ogres: 4,247 (38,597 offense / 9,598 defense)
Captured Land: 149 Acres
** Army #5 (Back in 10:57 hours) **
So, basically the target sent 4424 ogres (well, he sent a few more, but lost some in the attack) to attack '''Kzagl'''. If he had sent some soldiers or specialists (or both) you'd see them also in the SoM. Now we can calculate what is going to be required to successfully ambush.
Ogres: 2,200 (19,994 offense / 4,972 defense)
Captured Land: 21 Acres
This second SoM really confirms that it's armies 2/3/4 that his Kzagl, and you can check the paper to confirm the acre difference.
Orc elites are great for attacking with, not so great for defending with. Because they only have 2 defense (note values change form age to age, this is an example only), that's what they defend with on an ambush.
Now that he had this data, it's easier to read if I organize it a bit
Som Som1 Som2
Therefore, 4424 Elites * 2 Defense Value = 8,848
Ogres: 5132 4247
Now, Kzagl used the SoM+SoM method that people use to find exact defense at home to find the exact troops out. So if you input the ogre amounts into a SoM calculator, you get an answer something like this:
The defense will fight at 80% of its normal capacity.' So, we multiply that number by 0.8
[[16:22:57] <tzar> !som 5132 4247
8,848 * 0.8 = 7078.4
[16:22:59] <[-Honor-]> »» tzar, possible defence values are 4424 4666 5898 5899
The exact number is one of the following:
Now, this is another important bit, when we calculate how much offense we're going to send, we don't modify it in anyway. If you're using angel's military calculator to do it, make sure you use the '''RAW OFFENSE''' number.
[16:23:00] <[-Honor-]> >>> 5899 (87% 72%) +- 21%
If you are just sending (6/0) offensive specialists at the target, you would require:
[16:23:00] <[-Honor-]> >>> 4424 (116% 96%) +- 10%
Though the outputs may vary slightly, they all use (basically) the same method so they all get you the right answer eventually. However, Kzagl was unlucky and forced to get another SoM to work out the exact troops sent against him, so he did
7079/6 = 1,770 off specs (rounded up)
* Sending more than one general '''does not''' increase your offense.
** Armies #2/#3/#4 (Back in 10:44 hours) **
* [[Buildings#Training_Grounds|Training Grounds]], [[Economy#Military_Expenses_.2F_Wages|Military wages]], [[Spells#Aggression|Aggression]], and [[Spells#Fanaticism|Fanaticism]] do not affect ambush offense.
Ogres: 4,468 (39,676 offense / 10,616 defense)
Captured Land: 178 Acres
I've just ignored army #5 now, as we know that data isn't relevant
If you set your attack to Ambush on the war room then the game will accurately display the offence you are about to send.
Now, let's organize the data again
You always ambush the last hit made against your province by your target as long as the armies are still marching home with captured land.
Som Som1 Som2 Som3
Ogres: 5132 4247 4468
Now we input the extra number into the SoM calculator, and we get:
So if the paper had looked like this:
[16:25:35] <tzar> !som 5132 4247 4468
<i>June 4th, YR5 I just been (XX:XX1) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (XX:XX) and captured 139 acres of land.<br>
[16:25:37] <[-Honor-]> »» tzar, possible defence values are 4424
June 4th, YR5 piercing through (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (XX:XX) and captured 131 acres of land.<br>
June 4th, YR5 I just been (XX:XX) invaded Kagl Elven Grave (XX:XX) and captured 25 acres of land.</i>
The exact number is one of the following:
You would have to ambush the hit for 25 acres before you could ambush the hit for 139 acres. You wouldn't necessarily have to be successful though and could send 1 soldier and 1 general, because once you've ambushed a hit by a province, you can't ambush that hit again, so the game moves onto the next hit.
[16:25:37] <[-Honor-]> >>> 4424 (116% 96% 101%) +- 7%
So, 'I just been' sent 4424 ogres (well, he sent a few more, but lost some in the attack) to attack Kzagl. If he had sent some soldiers or specialists (or both) you'd have to repeat these steps to figure out how many of those he sent.
Now that we've established that beyond doubt, he sent 4424 ogres, we can calculate what is going to be required to successfully ambush.
Orc elites are great for attacking with, not so great for defending with. Because they only have 2 defense, that's what they defend with on an ambush.
So we calculate 4424*2 = 8856
Now if we remember back to the guide, 'the defense will fight at 80% of its normal capacity.' So, we multiply that number by 0.8
8856*0.8 = 7084.8
And that's probably the hardest part, getting the exact defense that you need to break on an ambush.
Now, this is another important bit, when we calculate how much offense we're going to send, we don't modify it in anyway. If you're using angel's military calculator to do it, make sure you use the RAW OFFENSE number.
In this case, Kzagl first made the mistake of trying to do that
[15:49:45] <IamIke> 1093 warriors and 8 zerkers
[15:50:00] <IamIke> 7215 mod
Which, a quick calculation can show, is about 5.5k raw offense, which wouldn't break 7085 def
He then came back with
<IamIke> 1093 war + 275 zerks
1093*5=5465 275*7=1925
Which is enough to break 7085 def
And then we get smiles all around
[15:52:10] <IamIke> Your forces arrive at I just been (9:11), and battle begins quickly...
[15:52:12] <IamIke> A tough battle took place, but we have managed a victory!
[15:52:13] <IamIke> Your army has recaptured 76 acres from our enemy! Taking full control of our new land will take 8.18 days. The new land will be available on June 14th, YR5.
[15:52:14] <IamIke> We lost 60 Warriors and 15 Berserkers in this battle. Our forces will be again available on June 14th, YR5.
[15:52:17] <IamIke> We killed about 160 enemy troops.
Okay, so that's how you ambush. Unfortunately for me, that was a pretty straightforward ambush. There are a few more rules you need to know.
You always ambush the last hit made against your province by that particular province. So in this case, if the paper had looked like this:
June 4th, YR5 I just been (9:11) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (3:17) and captured 139 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 piercing through (9:11) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (3:17) and captured 131 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 I just been (9:11) invaded KZAGL ELVEN GRAVE (3:17) and captured 25 acres of land.
You would have to ambush the hit for 25 acres before you could ambush the hit for 139 acres. You wouldn't necessarily have to be successful though, because once you've ambushed a hit by a province, you can't ambush that hit again, so the game moves onto the next hit.
War horses, prisoners & mercs sent in the army that you're ambushing don't count. Horses, mercs, and prisoners count in your raw off. Prisoners and mercs are 3, horses 1
So that's about it as far as I can think of right now, I'll just sum it up to you quickly
SoM the person who hit you. Figure out which army (or armies) hit you, which you would have to ambush first, and whether it's worth it to ambush at all. It's really not worth it if the army is mainly specialists. Get another SoM. Put the troop values into a SoM calculator. If it's not 100% accurate, get another Som. Repeat if necessary. It's really not necessary to repeat if you've gotten 5 SoMs, and you're not 100% sure on whether the guy sent out 115 soldiers or 110. Just use 115 in your calculations. Calculate what value the troops sent will defend at (soldiers at 1, off specs at their off value, leets at their def value (check the guide if you really don't know))
Times that value by 0.8
Figure out the RAW OFF that'll break that value. Don't tempt fate and send only 1 point over, send a couple of hundred points.
Send only 1 general on each ambush.
Attack & Don't bounce
Oh, and if you've got any questions, or you're still not sure, you're probably best slapping 'tzar' in irc, or slapping someone who you know is on irc to slap me so i come online in game :)
== Addition Information ==
* [[Military#Ambush|Ambush]]
* [[War Room]]
[[Category:Mini Guides]]
[[Category:Mini Guides]]

Latest revision as of 21:30, 12 August 2024

This is part of the Utopia WIKI Mini Guide Series.

THIS PAGE describes a game mechanism - Guide:Ambush in utopia. It also aims to discuss the implications of this game mechanism & how others have utilized it. To discuss further implications or ask questions with regards to Guide:Ambush, be sure to check out the discussions page.

Why Ambush?

  1. To kill troops (especially if your target is an Orc with Elites in the army).
    1. Why? --> They have an insanely low defensive value elite.
    2. Why? --> Ambushes are 25% faster than normal attacks.
  2. To decrease your target's incoming land (especially if your target is a chain target).
  3. Because you're able to Ambush + Trad him and want to rub it in his face.

Notes About Ambush

  1. You can ambush each successful attack once. If you fail, too bad.
  2. You cannot ambush if your opponent used Anonymity or War Spoils.
  3. You cannot ambush a hit from a personality or race that has full ambush protection.
  4. If you successfully carry out an ambush you will recapture 50% of his captured land (unless the target has an ambush protection or vulnerability modifier)
  5. You ALWAYS ambush the most recent hit of the province you select UNLESS Anonymity or War Spoils were used.
    1. You will ambush the last successful hit that did not use Anonymity or War Spoils.
    2. You CAN ambush an ambush.

How to figure out how much offense to send

  1. Take an SoM
  2. Record the value of troops out in the SoM.
  3. Once you have obtained these numbers, use this formula:
Raw Offense Required = [(Target's Elites sent * Racial Elite Defense Value) + (Target's Off Specs Sent * Racial Def Spec Value) + (Target's Soldiers sent * (IF (Racial Soldier Defense Value = 0 , Racial Soldier Offense Value , Racial Soldier Defense Value))] * 0.8

Note: If racial Soldier Defense Value is 0, the Offense value will be used instead

Remember, this is the RAW Offense required - therefore, don't bother sending more than 1 general, they have no effect!


June 4th, YR5 call (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl (XX:XX) and captured 81 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 I just been (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl (XX:XX) and captured 139 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 piercing through (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl (XX:XX) and captured 131 acres of land.

Kzagl didn't take particularly kindly to these attacks, and thought it would be a good idea to ambush one of them, so he took a SoM of I just been, the largest hit against him, to see what troops had been sent out against him and whether it was a good idea to ambush.

SoM on I just been

** Army #2 (Back in 10:46 hours) **

Ogres: 4,424 (58,397 offense / 9,733 defense)

Captured Land: 139 Acres

On seeing the no specialists (goblins) and high amount of elites (ogres), Kzagl made the decision to get a few of his acres back

So, basically the target sent 4424 ogres (well, he sent a few more, but lost some in the attack) to attack Kzagl. If he had sent some soldiers or specialists (or both) you'd see them also in the SoM. Now we can calculate what is going to be required to successfully ambush.

Orc elites are great for attacking with, not so great for defending with. Because they only have 2 defense (note values change form age to age, this is an example only), that's what they defend with on an ambush.

Therefore, 4424 Elites * 2 Defense Value = 8,848

The defense will fight at 80% of its normal capacity.' So, we multiply that number by 0.8

8,848 * 0.8 = 7078.4

Now, this is another important bit, when we calculate how much offense we're going to send, we don't modify it in anyway. If you're using angel's military calculator to do it, make sure you use the RAW OFFENSE number.

If you are just sending (6/0) offensive specialists at the target, you would require:

7079/6 = 1,770 off specs (rounded up)

If you set your attack to Ambush on the war room then the game will accurately display the offence you are about to send.

You always ambush the last hit made against your province by your target as long as the armies are still marching home with captured land.

So if the paper had looked like this:

June 4th, YR5 I just been (XX:XX1) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (XX:XX) and captured 139 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 piercing through (XX:XX) invaded Kzagl Elven Grave (XX:XX) and captured 131 acres of land.
June 4th, YR5 I just been (XX:XX) invaded Kagl Elven Grave (XX:XX) and captured 25 acres of land.

You would have to ambush the hit for 25 acres before you could ambush the hit for 139 acres. You wouldn't necessarily have to be successful though and could send 1 soldier and 1 general, because once you've ambushed a hit by a province, you can't ambush that hit again, so the game moves onto the next hit.

Addition Information