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#REDIRECT [[Growth]]
#REDIRECT [[Growth]]

Revision as of 10:58, 16 August 2018


  1. REDIRECT Growth

Land alone is nice to have, but without buildings and infrastructure, it is of little use to anyone. You have a variety of buildings to choose to build and how you structure your province is up to you. Your Internal Affairs Advisor can help provide details on the benefits of building various structures, but there is no perfect or ideal balance for growth. You will find that having mass quantities of a given building decreases the effectiveness of those buildings.

Classes of Buildings

There are three classes of building effects, and each functions differently. While this may be difficult to follow, you will quickly understand it with some experience within the game. The three classes are:

 Capacity Buildings - These buildings simply create space for you, and are not impacted by efficiency 
 issues. Homes, for example, provide additional space for peasants.
 Flat Rate Buildings - This type of building provides a set amount of a particular resource. These 
 buildings need many employees to be fully effective. An example is a Tower which creates a set
 number of runes each day.
 Percentage-based Buildings - The majority of Utopian buildings are percentage-based. These buildings 
 provide an effect based on the portion of your land covered by it. For example, having 10% of your
 land as Banks will increase your income by a certain percentage. Like flat-rate buildings, these
 also require employees to provide full effects. In addition, each additional building you construct
 will be less effective. The numbers listed in this section would be for the first building you
 construct. Your Internal Affairs Advisor will help you to understand the benefits of your land.
 Unless otherwise specified, these buildings have a maximum effect of 25 times the number listed
 below. With normal building efficiency, this maximum is reached by dedicating 50% of your land to
 that building.

The Buildings

Barren Land

Barren lands are not an actual building. These are simply available acres - gained by exploration, the Paradise spell or attacks - in your province that can be built up with real buildings as described below. Nevertheless, barren lands can still hold a few people and produce a very small amount of food every day.

 Increases your maximum population by 15 (built land has a base capacity of 25)
 Produces 2 Bushels per Day


While every built up acre of land already houses people – which means Homes are not a necessity for a province – you may find yourself wanting more population. Homes give your citizen more place to live, and also increase your natural birth rates. Furthermore, Homes employ no peasant and will thus overall help you fill all the jobs in your province.

 Increases your maximum population by 10
 Increase Birth Rates by % * 4
 Employs no one


Farms are one of the most important buildings in your province, and also a vital one. Every day, each of your people will eat 0,25 bushels, and each Farm produces 70 bushels per day. Watch your food supplies very carefully, because otherwise starvation might deplete your population rather fast!

 Produces 70 Bushels Per Day


Exploration is one of the main ways of growing in Utopia, and building Mills will help you to send out expeditions at cheaper cost. Furthermore, Mills will also improve your builders skills, making building construction slightly less expensive.

 Decreases Building Costs by % * 4 (Max of 99%)
 Reduces exploration gold expenses by % * 3
 Reduces exploration soldier cost by % * 2


Banks are one of the major sources of income in Utopia along with tax collection. Every day, each Bank you own will produce some gold. Furthermore, your Banks all work together at improving your tax collection facilities, increasing further your global income.

 Generates 25gc per day
 Increases Income by % * 1.25

Training Grounds

Maintaining a good offense is important for all attackers, and Training Grounds bolster that by providing an enhanced training to all your offensive troops. This allows them to fight more efficiently in combat, thus increasing your overall attacking power.

 Increases Offensive Military Efficiency by % * 1.5


Armouries improve your military training process, allowing you to train your soldiers to advanced levels at a cheaper cost. Armouries also facilitate your peasant enrolment process and diminish your military maintenance costs.

 Decreases Draft Costs by % * 2
 Decreases Daily Wages by % * 2
 Decreases Military Training Costs by % * 1.5

Military Barracks

Military Barracks are another military-oriented building. The employees of the Barracks are in charge of your military logistics, and a well-equipped army will reach the enemy land faster, making yourself less vulnerable to attacks while your troops are out on a campaign.

 Lowers Attack Time by % * 1.5


Forts provide a superior protection to the troops held in garrison in your province, increasing your overall defensive strength against attacks. Maintaining a good defense is important if you want to keep your acres and resources safe.

 Increases Defensive Military Efficiency by % * 2.0

Guard Stations

Unlike Forts, Guard Stations will not make you less vulnerable to attacks. Nevertheless, they will effectively protect your land, making the enemy’s attacks against your province less efficient.

 Decreases Land Losses when Attacked by % * 2


Having a good military power is important, and keeping your soldiers healthy is vital in order to achieve this. By deploying Hospitals in the battlefields, you will significantly lower the casualties suffered by your troops in combat. Furthermore, your medics will work at curing the Plague if your province ever catches it.

 % * 2 Daily Chance of Curing the Plague
 Decreases Military Losses by % * 3


Unlike all your other units, either the military footmen or the thieves, wizards are not trained by using gold. Your ascendant wizards will have to go through intensive studies in Guilds before being able to serve you properly. They are an absolute necessity for Mages.

 Trains 0.02 Wizards Daily (per Guild)

Guilds also increase the yield and duration of your self spells and offensive spells.
Unaffected by Building Efficiency for the purposes of calculating spell duration or wizards trained.


Towers are massive buildings that are used in order to channel mystic energies produced by the Earth into small stones called runes. Runes are then expended by your wizards while casting magic spells.

 Produces 12 Runes Per Day

Thieves Dens

Thieves Dens are the lair of all the thieves in your province, serving as the place where they practice their obscure and dark skills. Thieves Dens will increase the success rate of thievery operations you conduct as well as lowering your thief losses. Thieves Dens are a must for all Thieves.

 Lowers Losses in Thievery Operations by % * 4 (capped at 95%)
 Increases Thievery Effectiveness by % * 3

Watch Towers

While your own thieves can protect your land against enemy thieves, a little extra protection is never a bad thing. People assigned into Watch Towers will screen your borders and can catch thieves attempting to conduct operations in your province.

 % * 2 Chance of Catching Enemy Thieves
 Reduces damage caused by Enemy Thieves by % * 3


Laboratories provide a space for the brightest minds in your province to gather and collaborate in their scientific pursuits. This sharing of knowledge both heightens and inspires knowledge throughout the populace, leading to an increase in the rate at which new scientists join your ranks.

 Increase spawn rate of new scientists by % * 4
 Not affected by Building Efficiency


With a quality scholar system in place, your scientists have found a home in their Universities that allow them to safeguard their knowledge and, if need be, themselves.

 Protects % * X of scientists from Amnesia


Stables are the buildings where your peasants breed your war horses, strong horses sent in combat and increasing the offensive strength of the troop mounting them. Nevertheless, horses do not participate in defense, and you obviously cannot send more horses in combat than you have actual troops!

 Produces 2 Horse Per Day
 Holds 80 Horses (per Stable)


Prisoners caught in combat are held captive in your dungeons. A dungeon can only hold a limited number of prisoners, but these can be assigned to your province duties as if they were peasants, providing you some gold and filling a few jobs.

 Houses 30 Prisoners of War

Build Table

Note: Capacity buildings are not affected by Building Efficiency (i.e., Homes, Stables, Dungeons can hold the specified number regardless of BE).

Building Capacity Flat Rate Base Percent Base Effect Percent Max Living Space Jobs Description
Barren Land 15 People 2 Bushels 15 0 Houses 15 people and Produces 2 bushels per hour (Unaffected by BE)
Homes 10 People 4% 75% 35 0 Houses 35 people and Increases Birth Rate
Farms 70 Bushels 25 25 Produces 70 bushels per day
Mills 4%
25 25 Decreases Build Costs (Max of 99%)
Decreases Gold Exploration Costs
Decreases Soldier Exploration Costs
Banks 25gc 1.25% 31.25% 25 25 Produces 25gc per day
Increase in Income
Training Grounds 1.5% 37.5% 25 25 Increases Offensive Military Efficiency
Armouries 2%
25 25 Decreases Draft Costs
Reduction of Wages
Decreases Training Costs
Military Barracks 1.5% 37.5% 25 25 Lowers Attack Time
Forts 2.0% 37.5% 25 25 Increases Defensive Military Efficiency
Guard Stations 2% 50% 25 25 Decrease Land Losses when Attacked
Hospitals 2%
25 25 Daily Chance of Curing the Plague
Decreases Military Losses
Guilds 0.02 Wizards 25 25 Wizards Trained per day (Unaffected by BE)
Guilds also increase spell duration (Unaffected by BE)
Towers 12 Runes 25 25 Produces 12 runes per day
Thieves Dens 4%
25 25 Lowers losses in Thievery Operations
Bonus to TPA
Watch Towers 2%
25 25 Chance of Catching Enemy Thieves
Rate of Repelling Individual Enemy Thieves
Laboratories 4% 95% 25 25 Increase scientist spawn rate (Unaffected by BE)
Universities 25 25 Grants protection against Amnesia
Stables 80 Horses 2 Horse 25 25 Houses horses and increase their production rate
Dungeons 20 Prisoners 25 25 Houses Prisoners of War
Building Capacity Flat Rate Base Percent Base Effect Percent Max Living Space Jobs Description

Addition Information

Civil Buildings Barren Lands  • Homes  • Farms  • Mills  • Banks
Military Buildings Training Grounds  • Armouries  • Barracks  • Forts  • Guard Stations  • Hospitals  • Stables  • Dungeons
Thievery and Mystic Buildings Guilds  • Towers  • Thieves' Dens  • Watchtowers
Science Buildings Universities  • Libraries