Dragons, Aid & Stances

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This is part of the Utopia WIKI Formula Series.

THIS PAGE attempts to list formulas as relevant to Dragons, Aid & Stances. If you would like to add a new formula feel free to include it within the text. Ensure that you check the discussions page for Dragons, Aid & Stances to ensure that this formula is not under discussion/research, or contribute your research there if you do feel so inclined.


You may not change your stance if you have changed it within the last 24 hours.

  • Stance Effects are negated in war.
  • Stances may not be changed during protection.

Normal Aggressive Peaceful Fortified
  • Normal
  • +10% Combat Gains
  • -10% Attack times
  • +15% Military Wages
  • Hostile meter x 2
  • +5% BE
  • +30% BR
  • -15% Combat Gains
  • -15% lower ability to cast spells & ops against enemies
  • -20% Construction Time
  • +10% Defence
  • -15% OME
  • +15% Attack times

Please note that the Change in Military Efficiency is not accounted for in your Military Affairs page. As such, if you are hitting out of Fortified stance, and you are manually calculate your hit, or if you are employing Metatron, you will have to manually adjust your values for the decrease in Offensive Military Efficiency.


  • At any given time, a kingdom can be producing only one dragon and the target of only one dragon.
  • A dragon can be killed by sending soldiers and specialists, but all troops used will be killed.

Dragon Type
Emerald Sapphire Gold Ruby

+10% Combat Losses

-10% Gains

-20% Thievery & Magic Effectiveness

-15% from Building Efficiency

-8% from Military Efficiency

All dragons result in 10% lower income and the loss of 20% of new draftees.

Dragon Cost

Dragon Cost = Target Kingdom NW * 1.75
  • Dragon Cost is determined at the time the dragon is started.

Dragon HP

Dragon HP = Receiving Kingdom NW / ~44 
  • Dragon HP is determined at the time the dragon is sent.

Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Relations: Ceasefire 0.25
Relations: None 0.5
Relations: Hostile 0.75
Relations: War 1

Aid & Tax

Max Shipment

Max Aid Shipment = Province Networth * 4


Tax Rate = CLIP(0, -4 * (TradeBalance/Networth + 4), 98)
  • Tax Rate is capped at 98% max.
  • If receiving province has been hit significantly and is subject to Gangbang Protection,
    • Their tax rate will be halved
    • Their tax is capped at 15% rather than the 98% max.
  • Taxes don't take effect until your negative trade balance reaches 400% of your networth (equivalent to one maximized shipment of trade).

Tax Rate Reduction

Tax Rate Reduction = Trade Balance * ((1 - 0.75) / 100)
It takes 11.5 real time days to halve your tradebalance.