
From The Utopian Encyclopedia
Revision as of 02:28, 13 July 2009 by Puppy101 (talk | contribs)
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This is part of the Utopia WIKI Help Guide Series.

This Page references Utopia Wiki's official guide to Contribute. Please use common sense.


This article leads you through the possibilities of contributing to Utopia Wiki. This entire wiki depends on your contributions, so make them count!


Read through the wiki, and enjoy the content! That's what the writers contribute for, after all. As you read the articles, consider what questions you have - people are likely to have them too! Visit the page's discussion page to see if there is an active discussion going on with regards to that article!

For more info, read Our Guide on Navigation


Utopia Wiki will allow your edits to happen in real time. Please employ common sense while editing, if you disagree with a certain point then maybe add a footnote to it or create a new discussion in the discussion page, as your view may differ from others'


If you aren't yet comfortable in contributing original content then you can help out by simply proofreading articles and fixing any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Adding Text

We really hope that you will want to make your own contributions at some point. The easiest way to do this is to help improve existing articles. Many articles might be lacking details in some areas, could be worded more clearly, or are plainly wrong on a specific point. In short: They are just waiting for your contribution.

When adding content, please make sure you read the relevant discussion page first. It is possible that the change you plan on making is already being discussed. It might be a good idea to give other users a chance to comment on your suggestion.

When adding a new article, be extra careful. We love your contributions, but please ask yourself these questions before proceeding.

  • Is this article really missing - perhaps you checked the wrong name?
  • Is there an article with a similar topic?
  • Could it be handled in a subsection instead of in a separate article?

Starting Off

Good places to test your code and start from is the

  • Sandbox - A page where you can test the wiki code as much as you want.
  • Wanted Pages, which needs to be created.
  • Short Pages, which may require expanding.

Guides on how to edit and add pages in the Utopia Wiki
Reading Editing Advanced Editing