Top Bar
This shows your basic resources and can be viewed from most pages. It's quite handy as it means you don't need to come back to your Throne page every time you want to see how much gold you have, or how many acres of land you own.
Below this is the game time, showing the current date in the Utopian time system which is a bit different to ours. Each Utopian day is one Real Life hour, each Utopian Month is a Real Life day, and each Utopian Year is a Real Life week. So there are 24 days in a month, 7 months in a year and normally around 12 years in an Age.
Game Update
This section is sometimes used by the Utopian Staff to give important messages to everyone in the game, in this case it is informing you that the game time has been set to run based on Greenwich Mean Time.
Monarchs Message
The monarch of your kingdom can use this to give information to everyone in the kingdom, for example reminding everyone to build up a strong defence, or which targets to attack in war. Make sure you check this every time you login.
Province Overview
The main box on this page gives a list of most of the important things about your province, from your Race, to your total Defence and everything inbetween.
Recent Events
Finally listed will be events which have occured to your province since you last looked at your Throne page. This will include enemies attempts to conduct thievery operations or cast spells on you, attacks made against you or aid you have received from kingdom mates.