
From The Utopian Encyclopedia
Revision as of 14:44, 29 June 2009 by Clampy (talk | contribs) (Current Population)
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Raw Income

Raw Income = [(2.25*Employed Peasants) + (0.75*Unemployed Peasants) + (0.5*Prisoners) + (Banks*25*BE)]

Modified Total Income

Modified Income = Raw Income * Plague * Riots * Bank % Bonus * Income Sci * Honor Income Mod 
                      * Race Mod * Personality Modifier * Monarchy * Dragon
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Plague modifier 0.85 1 (or if Personality = Merchant)
Riots modifier 0.8 1 (or if Personality = Merchant)
Race Modifier: Human 1.25 1
Personality Mod: Merchant 1.15 1
Monarchy 1.1 1
Dragon 0.9 1
Honor Income Bonus Check Table

Military Expenses

Military Expenses = ((Def specs + Off specs + Elites)*0.5) * Wage Rate * Arms Bonus * Race Bonus * Inspire Army * Greed * Stance
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Race Mod: Orc 0.5 1 (unless DE)
Race Mod: Dark Elf 1.25 1 (unless Orc)
Inspire Army 0.85 1
Greed 1.25 1
Aggressive Stance 1.15 1


No wages are paid to basic soldiers.
Greed affects Merchants as this is a wage penalty and not an income penalty


Total Population

Raw Living Space = (Built Land * 25) + (Barren Land * 15) + (Homes * Homes Mod) 
Mod Living Space = Raw Living Space * Population Science * Honor Population Bonus * Race Bonus
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Homes Mod 10 if Gnome 8 otherwise
Race: Gnome 1.15 1
Honor Population Bonus Check Table

Current Population

Current Population = Peasants = Soldiers + Off Specs + Def Specs + Elites + Troops in Training + Thieves + Thieves in Training + Wizards


Prisoners do not take up space



Hourly Change

Peasants Hourly Change = Current Peasants * Birth Rate - Drafted Soldiers - Wizards Trained
  • There must be enough living space for peasants to increase
  • When a province is overpopulated, the number of peasants will decrease by 7% per hour change.


12h bonus = (5 * Number of Peasants) gc
20h bonus = (15 * Number of Peasants) gc


  • The number of peasants is determined when you log in FOR your bonus.
  • Bonuses are started the minute you press Login. They count by the minute e.g. if you Logged in at 1.20pm, your 12 hour bonus would be due at 1.20am.

Start of Age additional condition

  • To collect the first bonus, you have to login sometime in the first four hours of freeze time to trigger the bonus timer. Then, log off and do not login again until 1st Feb Y0.


Available Jobs

Available Jobs = (Completed Buildings - Homes) * 25

Unfilled Jobs

Unfilled Jobs = MAX(Available Jobs - Peasants - ROUNDDOWN(Prisoners / 2),0)

Employed Peasants

Employed Peasants = MIN(Peasants,(Available Jobs - ROUNDDOWN(Prisoners / 2)))

Unemployed Peasants

Unemployed Peasants = Peasants - Employed Peasants

Employment Rate

Employment Rate = (Employed Peasants / Peasants) * 100