
From The Utopian Encyclopedia
Revision as of 09:26, 1 January 2021 by Icebuckle (talk | contribs) (Addition Information: removing additional information and converting it into the Exploration Formula details.)
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Via the Explore page, a province may send out soldiers, at the cost of gc, to acquire additional acres.


The following restrictions are in place:

  • Provinces may not explore without the resources to cover the costs.
  • At least 50% of existing acres must be built upon or undergoing construction.
  • The explore pool must be greater than 0 acres.
  • Provinces can not explore more than their current acres at once
  • Kingdoms with less than 10 provinces will see an increased explore penalty

Pool growth

The explore pool has the following features:

  • Starts at 200 acres at the start of the age
  • It grows by 3 acres a tick
  • It will decay by .15% a tick
  • When a war ends, a provision of additional land is added when to each province's explore pool for both kingdoms

Effects of War on Exploration

The following penalties apply during war:

  • Exploration costs increased to 500% during active war and end of war cease-fire (or 250% during end of war cease-fire for provinces below kingdom median, including incoming explored acres)

Exploration Formula

This is an old formula. Will update soon.

Soldier Cost

Exploration Soldier Cost = ROUND (3 + Metric/210 * War Status * Mills)

GC Costs

Exploration Gold Cost = Floor ((600 + 2.3 * Metric) * War Status * Mills)


  • Metric = ( Full Metric + Half Metric )1.12
  • Full Metric = Total Land - 300
  • Half Metric = MIN (Full Metric / 2 , [Land Explored - Land Lost] / 2)