Server Details
Server irc.utonet.org Port(s) 6667, 7000, 9056
UtoNet is a small IRC network, originally built around the Utopia gaming community. UtoNet started out in late November 2002 with the goal of providing a stable, welcoming environment for players of the online web based game Utopia. The older IRC server that had long been home to the community merged with a network filled with a rather unruly user base.
A few months passed, during which time the community was growing increasingly dissatisfied with the server. The soon-to-be UtoNet founders, `Vek and user:Bergee, decided to solve this problem by pooling their resources and expertise to set up a server where all players could gather and hold friendly discussions. Thus the idea of UtoNet was born, a place where all users could gather and not have to worry about being flooded, attacked or otherwise having their communications monitored.
Rules of UtoNet
The network may NOT be used for:
- Flooding (including flood/clonebots).
- Clones.
- Unsecured proxying (including the use of proxies of any type to avoid a ban)
- Attempts to takeover existing channels.
- Attempts to disrupt network services.
- Spamming and/or advertising of any type (including automatic invite scripts or mass invitations).
- Hacking (including Virus/Trojan distribution).
- Harassment of users or staff.
- Actions that the operators regard as abuse.
Your use of the network indicates acceptance of these conditions. Violation of the rules will result in kills, nickname or channel suspensions and possible access bans.
For a comprehensive list of Services UtoNet has to offer, click here
Services offered by the server include ChanServ, MemoServ and NickServ.
Official Help
If there are any problems with the network or questions related to IRC, please see the network help channel #UtoNet.Help for assistance. You may reach the operations team listed below by sending an email to opers@utonet.org.
Network Administrator
- Bergee
List of Operators
- Brandon
- Eeeegor
- arc
- Somberlain
Other Members of the Help Staff
- cerberus
- Croaker
- Elron
- Fradam
- Master Healexarn
- Starfriend
- yf
Common Questions
How Do I create Text Effects?
Bold text is done in many IRC clients by pressing Ctrl+B simultanously.
Underlined text can be shown by pressing Ctrl+U in the same manner.
Colored text often uses the Ctrl+K shortcut, followed by 1 or 2 numbers, where the first number stands for the text-color and the optional second number for the background-color. If you choose to use a background color you must seprate the text color from the background color with a comma. All of these codes should be trailed by the same key-combination to mark the end of a colored/underlined/bold section.
What Do the symbols (~, &, @, % and +) mean?
~ = Channel Owner & = Channel Admin @ = Channel Operator (Op) % = Half Operator (Halfop) + = Voice
Channel Owner (~/+q) The channel owner is the founder of the channel. There may be more than one user who is mode +q, but there can only be one permanent founder. A user who is +q is also able to protect/deprotect (+/-a) users and set any channel mode.
Channel Admin (&/+a) The channel admin is protected from being kicked by anyone. The channel admin can also set op/deop (+/-o) users and set almost all channel modes.
Channel Operator (@/+o) The channel operator has many channel powers. An Operator can op/deop (+/-o) other users and set many channel modes. It is also the first level that can set/remove ban exceptions (+/-e).
Half Operator (%/+h) Half operators have limited channel powers. They can kick another user, as long as that user does not have halfop (+h) or higher on the channel. They can set bans, and change a few other modes.
Voice (+/+v) Voiced users have no channel powers that ordinary users do not have, except for one thing: if the channel is moderated (+m), Voiced users (and higher) can speak.
How Do I join Channels with User Passwords/keys?
Normally you'd join a channel using:
/join #Channel
In case of a keyed channel, you'd type the following:
/join #Channel key
How Do I Register my Nick?
How Do I Register a Channel?
Session Limits
To prevent abuse, UtoNet allows a maximum of three (3) connections from a host. If you run bot(s) and experience a ping timeout, you may exceed three (3) connections. Also, it is possible that you're connecting from behind a firewall or a NAT network from where other people also connect to UtoNet from seemingly the same host. In these cases, exceptions from the session limit rule can sometimes be made. All requests should be sent via email to the UtoNet staff at opers@utonet.org.
Exceeding the session limit (i.e four (4) or more connections from a single host) results in a 15 minute server ban.
EXAMPLE « 18.41.03 » -OperServ- The session limit for your host ###.###.##.## has been exceeded. « 18.41.03 » -OperServ- Please visit http://www.utonet.org/articles.php?a=25 for more information about session limits. « 18.41.03 » * You were killed by OperServ (zoidberg!services!OperServ (Session limit exceeded)) « 18.41.03 » Closing Link: YourNick[###.###.##.###] zoidberg.us.utonet.org (Killed (OperServ (Session limit exceeded))) - « 18.41.03 » * Disconnected
Other Servers
UtoNet is by far not the only IRC server employed in regular communication, but it is the most far reaching as it has roughly 1400 nicknames on.
Users have before raised concerns with regards to privacy on the server itself, suspecting that the operators possess the ability to read through their private messages and read the logs of private channels. Covenant for these reasons chose to use their own separate IRC server. On the 10th of May 2009, Absalom also made a press release (here) and moved to their private server on irc.absalomalliance.com. Several kingdoms also host their own private servers.
However, most users still employ UtoNet as their primary server for communication and kingdom organization and place trust in the staff to not abuse their positions.