Exploring, Construction & Building Formulas

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Exploration Costs

Soldier Cost

Sol Costs for Exploration = ROUND((CurrentAcres * 0.0065) * RaceEffect * WarEffect)
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
War 2 1
Dark Elf 1.2 1

GC Costs

GC Costs for Exploration = ((CurrentAcres * 3) - 500) * WarEffect * RaceEffect * MillsEffect
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
War 2 1
Dark Elf 1.2 1


  • Generally all cases prove to be accurate to within minus 0gc - 30gc (Calculated costs slightly overestimate).


Construction Time

Construction Time = 22 * Personality Mod * Builders Boon * Double Speed * Fortified
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Pers: Shepherd 0.7 1
Builders Boon 0.9 1
Double Speed 0.5 1 n.b. = 0.75 in prot
Fortified 0.8 1

Construction Costs

Construction Costs = Race Mod * Mills Mod * Double Speed * 8/31 * (Land + 2900) 
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Race: Dwarf 0 1
Doublespeed 2 1

Raze Costs

Raze Costs = (1400 + Land) / 4  


Types of Buildings

 Capacity Buildings - These buildings simply create space for you, and are not affected by Building Efficiency. 
 Examples of these types of buildings are the part of homes which house people (not applicable to its' birthrate function however), 
 dungeons which house prisoners and the part of stables which house horses.
 Flat Rate Buildings - This type of building provides a set amount of a particular resource. These buildings need many employees 
 to be fully effective. An example is a Tower which creates a set number of runes each day. These sort of buildings are affected
 by building efficiency.
 Percentage-based Buildings - The majority of Utopian buildings are percentage-based. These buildings provide an effect based on 
 the portion of your land covered by it. For example, having 10% of your land as Banks will increase your income by a certain 
 percentage. Like flat-rate buildings, these also require employees to provide full effects. In addition, each additional building
 you construct will be less effective. The numbers listed in this section would be for the first building you construct. Your 
 Internal Affairs Advisor will help you to understand the benefits of your land.
Unless otherwise specified, these buildings have a maximum effect of 25 times the number listed below. With normal building efficiency, this maximum is reached by dedicating 50% of your land to that building.

Table of Effects

Building Efficiency