Age 54

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Age 54

A Call to Arms



Official Information

World of Legends




Arcadia Games


11 May 2012

Duration (in days):

A Call to Arms (Age 54) - current Age on World of Legends server.

Changes in brief

Proposed Changes

Race Changes


-25% Attack Time
+40% Sabotage damage
- 10% attack gains
No Access to Stables
Spell book: Town Watch, Vermin, Mystic Aura
Elite: 7/2, 600gc, 6.25NW


+ 15% BE
+ 30% Spell Damage (Instant Spells)
Free Building Construction
Can use credits to raze buildings
+ 50% Food consumption
Accelerated Construction not available
Spell book: Quick Feet, Fanaticism, Fools Gold, Clearsight
Elite: 7/3, 750gc, 6.5NW


+50% WPA
+1 mana in war
+ 1 defence specialist strength
Spellbook: Pitfalls, Mages Fury, Amnesia, Nightmare
Elite: 6/4, 700gc, 6NW


+ 30% Spell Damage (Instant Spells)
+ 30% Sabotage damage
+ 30% WPA and TPA
-10% Population
Offensive Specialist Strength -2
Spellbook: All racial spells
Elite: 3/8, 1000gc, 7.5NW


+50% TPA
+1 stealth
- 50% thief cost
-15% Birth Rate
Spellbook: Invisibility, Town Watch
Soldiers: 2/2
Elite: 5/6, 550gc, 5.75NW


+10% Population
+ 50% Sabotage damage
+ 50% Spell Damage (Instant Spells) 
+ 1 Offense specialist strength
Spellbook: Tree of Gold, Fountain of Knowledge, War Spoils
Elite: 5/5, 500gc, 5NW


+20% gains
Can train elites with credits
-75% Combat Instant Spell Damage and Duration 
-75% Sabotage Damage
Spellbook: Bloodlust, Fanaticism, Aggression, Shadowlight, Reflect Magic
Elite: 9/2, 850gc, 7.25NW

The Undead

-50% Offensive losses on attacks you make
Successful land attacks convert specialists to elites
Spreads and is immune to The Plague
No food needed
- 25% science effectiveness
Spellbook: Greater Protection, Town Watch, Animate Dead, Chastity
Elite: 9/3, 1000gc, 7.5NW

Personality Changes

The Merchant

+30% Income
-50% Money Losses on Plunder Attacks
Immunity to all Income Penalties (Riots, Plagues, etc.)

The Sage

+ 25% Science effectiveness
-66% Losses on Learn Attacks
Immune to The Plague

The Rogue

+1 Stealth recovery per tick
Access to all thievery operations, including 3 unique to rogues: Greater Arson, Assassinate Wizards and Propaganda
Thieves Dens are twice as effective (subject to DBE)

The Mystic

Access to Meteor Showers
All Guilds and Towers are twice as effective
+50% Spell Duration (For Duration Spells Only)
+1 mana per tick in War

The Warrior

+1 General
+15% OME in war
Enhanced Conquest range

The Tactician

Gain 50% more Specialist and Building Credits
-15% Attack Time
Accurate Espionage (in war)

The Cleric

- 50% Your Military Casualties (on attack or defense)
Animate Dead spell always active

The War Hero

+50% more bonuses from honor
-50% draft cost
-50% train time
-50% Land Losses on Ambush Attacks

Mechanic Changes

If you have a reservation with a kingdom it will not be possible to create a random province in another kingdom.
Failed attacks have a chance to move the meter 1 point proportional to the amount of offense sent. An attack that fails by sending 70% of the offense required to break has a 70% chance to move the meter 1 point.
Plunder, Learn, Massacre and Raze are now worth 2 points on the meter
The war declaration range for kingdoms will be changed to 25% smaller or 33% larger
War will end automatically if your opponents networth drops to 50% of yours. This will only occur after a minimum of 7 days of warring and is calculated on tick.
A war ending will grant, for both kds:
All land currently out with armies at war end returns home immediately.
Instant population growth of 20% of your max pop if you are under 50% of your max pop
+500% Birthrate
30% reduction in training costs of all troops.
Draft cost reduced 50%
Winning a war will grant the following:
+10% honor taken from the opponents honor pool
100 books of science per acre based on your median province
3 times your median provinces acres in spec credits
Free building credits to the total of your current unbuilt acres

Ages 1998 - 1999 : The first generation of Utopia (1)  • The Second Age of Utopia (2)  • The Third Age of Utopia (3)  • The Fourth Age of Utopia (4)  • The Fifth Age of Utopia (5)  • The Sixth Age of Utopia (6)  •

2000 - 2001 : The Seventh Age of Utopia (7)  • The Age of Chaos (8)  • The Renaissance Age (9)  • The Age of Conflict (10)  • The Age of Nobility (11)  • The Era of Magic (12)  • The Era of Mystery (13)  • The Era of Strife (14)  •

2002 - 2003 : The Age of Valour (15)  • The Age of Discovery (16)  • The Age of the People (17)  • The Age of Heroes (18)  • An Era of Hope (19)  • An Age of Dreams (20)  • An Age of Wonders (21)  • An Age of Conquerors (22)  • The Revolution (23)  •

2004 - 2005 : An Age of Glory (24)  • An Age of Tranquility (25)  • An Age of Turmoil (26)  • An Age of Courage (27)  • An Age of Intrigue (28)  • An Age of War (29)  • An Age of Unity (30)  •

2006 - 2007 : An Age of Reason (31)  • An Age of Kings (32)  • An Age of Prosperity (33)  • The Age of the Dragon (34)  • An Age of Triumph (35)  • An Age of Bravery (36)  • The Age of Darkness (37)  •

2008 - 2009 : The Age of Angels (38)  • The Age of the Scholar (39)  • The Awakening (40)  • The Age of Renewal (41)  • The Age of Hope (42)  • The Age of Rebirth (43)  • The Age of Change (44)  • The Age of Light (45)  •

2010 - 2011 : The Age of Distinction (46)  • The Age of Justice (47)  • The Age of Peril (48)  • The Age of Conspiracy (49)  • The Age of Resurrection (50)  • The Age of Domination (51)  • An Era of Supremacy (52)  •

2012 - 2013 : The Age of Havoc (53)  • A Call to Arms (54)  • Veil of Shadows (55)  • Strength in Union (56)  • Relentless Onslaught (57)  • Art of War (58)  • An Honorable Proposition (59)  • A Battle Joined (60)  •

2014 - 2015 : Age of Destruction (61)  • Books of War (62)  • Iron Walls, Iron Heart (63)  • The Spoils of War (64)  • The Isles of Legion (65)  • Thunder and Bedlam (66)  •

2016 - 2017 : The Age of Perception (67)  • The Age of Heresy (68)  • The Age of Scholars and Scoundrels (69)  • The Age of Daunting Judgement (70)  • The Metamorphosis (71)  • The Era of Venerated Bastions (72)  • The Age of Tricksters and Mischief (73)  • The Age of Affinity (74)  •

2017 - 2018 : The Age of Empowering Enchantments (75)  • The Age of the Empyrean Advent (76)  • The Age of Accession and Abrogation (77)  • The Age of Insight (78)  • The Age of Vanguards Acquiescence (79)  •

2019 - 2020 : The Age of Reconnaissance (80)  • The Emergence (81)  • The Grimoires of Glory (82)  • Age of Adjudication (83)  • Bethink the Fray (84)  • Intuition (85)  • Global Viction (86)  • Age of the Sword (87)  • Swift Strife (88)  • Reformation (89)

2021 - 2022 : Age of Exile 90  • Age of Remembrance 91  • Age of Ancestry 92  • Occult Ordination 93  • Ascent 94  • Age of the Omen 95  • The Eternal Rift 96  • Dominance 97  • Keen Transformation 98  •

2023 - 2024 : Crossing Boundaries 99  • Equilibrium 100  • Crusades 101  • Godsend 102  • Unbound Dominion 103  • Renascence 104  • Devout Fervor 105