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No one ever said leadership involves only public activities. With a state-sanctioned paramilitary thieves guild available to you, the possibilities are endless. What may not be possible through war or magic may still be possible with deceit and deception. Never underestimate the power of the underground unknown.

Thieves are professional soldiers, trained in the arts of the elite underground and are trained on your Military Menu. They maintain a Stealth Rating which determines when they can be used. This rating rises automatically each day by 3 points and drops each time your thieves conduct an operation. Your thieves will not carry out missions without at least a 5% Stealth Rating.

The best measure of your guild's strength is the number of thieves you maintain per acre of land, often known as Thieves Per Acre (TPA), modified by your Thieves' Dens, your Crime science and your racial bonuses or penalties. The success rate of your guild depends on both your and your target's TPA. The raw damage, however, is based on raw strength - the more thieves you use in an operation, the more damage they can do.

The larger your province, the more difficult it will be to keep your guild well-organized and efficient. As your province grows larger, be prepared to keep training additional thieves to keep your network intact and effective. Like most things in Utopia, thievery operations are easier and more effective against provinces similar to you in size.

Information on how to calculate thief operations can be found here.

Thievery operations are divided in two categories, as listed below:

The Thieves' Toolbox: The Espionage Operations

The espionage operations will simply gather information regarding the enemy province. Always keep in mind that the numbers displayed by these operations are not accurate and can be out by up to 25%!

Nevertheless, sending more thieves when conducting the operation will highly increase the reports accuracy - 10% of your thieves will return completely accurate results (note that Race/Personality bonuses can affect this accuracy).

Spy on Throne

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Gives an estimate of the resources and troops available to a province
 Difficulty:         0.2
 Meter Movemement:   0 
  • Consumes only 1% Stealth
  • Requires 10% of thieves for 100% accuracy.

Snatch News

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Displays the targeted provinces Kingdom Paper
 Difficulty:         0.2
 Meter Movement:     0


Reports on the size of your opponent's guild.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Gives an estimate of the number of thieves in the enemy province.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves have infiltrated the Thieves' Guilds of [province name] (##:##). They appear to have about X thieves employed across their lands.
  • Requires 10% of thieves for 100% accuracy.


Reports on the distribution of buildings in a province.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Gives an estimate of the buildings in the enemy province, as displayed by the Internal Affairs advisor.
 Operation Message:
  • Requires 10% of thieves for 100% accuracy on building effects (which is not a big deal), but 10 thieves will be enough to get accurate % of buildings, which is what you want.

Spy on Military

Provides detailed information from your opponent's army.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Shows the enemy troops out as well as an estimate of troops at home and in training,
                     as displayed by the Military Advisor.
 Operation Message:
  • Requires 10% of thieves for 100% accuracy.
  • The following are variable and potentially inaccurate if less than 10% thieves are sent: offense at home, defefense home, OME (offensive military efficiency), DME (defensive military efficiency), quantity of troops in armies out, quantity of armies at home.
  • % of army out is always accurate, even with 10 thieves (i.e. if it records 70 elites out of 100 are out on attacks, it means 70% of elites are out.)
  • Hint: if the plan is to do both an SoT and a SoM, it is possible to get accurate information by performing the SoM with only 10 thieves since the 100% accuracy SoT will fill in a lot of the remaining details. Basically, if you take 10% SoT and 10t SoM, you get accurate def home.
  • Hint 2: if you hit a target and you already have their SoM, you need to refresh only the SoT unless: 1. the target suffered desertions. 2. you have NSed the target after taking SoM. 3. you have ambushed the target after taking SoM. 4. the target has suffered starvation

Spy on Sciences

Estimates strengths and effects of opponent's science levels.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Gives an estimate of the bonuses an enemy province gains from its science, as displayed on the Science page.
 Operation Message:
  • Requires 10% of thieves for 100% accuracy on science effects, which is only relevant for accurate modifed WPA. 10 thieves SoS will be enough for a raw WPA calc (after a SoT, the networth that cannot be defined includes number of science books and the raw WPA. Therefore, a 10 thieves SoS can be used to estimate the number of books to calculate the total science book networth, which is then used to derive the networth of your wizard population. This can be calculated by munkbot, but munkbot cannot automaitcally calculate science effects based on book amount and Survey).
  • Hint: A 10 thief SoS is enough when scouting for Learns since you're mainly looking for unallocated books.

The Thieves' Toolbox: The Sabotage Operations

Listed here is a short reference guide to each of the offensive operations available to you and their effects. As mentioned previously, sending more thieves will increase the strength of these operations. Nevertheless, sending too many thieves also increases the chances that the enemy catches your men! Certain operations are designated Unfriendly, Hostile or War Only operations -- Because of the destructive nature of these operations, they can be run only against provinces which have at least a certain level of relations with your kingdom. In addition, you will find that many operations are more effective during heightened relations conditions.

Sabotage Wizards

Reduces opponent's Mana Levels, limiting their ability to cast spells.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: Unfriendly
 Effect:             Reduces the target provinces mana by a small percentage.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves have sabotaged their wizards' ability to cast spells.

Rob the Granaries

Steals food from your opponent's storages.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Steals up to a max of 31.5% (46% in war) enemy food at the rate of 95 (135 in war) bushels per thief.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves have returned with X bushels.

Rob the Vaults

Steals gold from enemy coffers.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Steals up to a max of 5.2% (14% in war) enemy gc at the rate of 40 (106 in war) gc per thief.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves have returned with X gold coins.

Rob the Towers

Steals runes from your target's wizards.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Steals up to a max of 24.5% (35% in war) enemy runes at the rate of 18.2 (26 in war) runes per thief.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves were able to steal X runes.


Kidnaps peasants from your enemy and brings them to your province.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Steals up to a max of 1.85% (4% in war) enemy peasants at the rate of 0.132 (0.285 in war) peasants per thief.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves kidnapped many people, but only were able to return with X of them.

You can also refer to Thievery Formulas for more information. Note that gains seem to drop by 50% when the enemy province reaches a certain level of under population. This is designed to make it harder to player-kill.


Burns down enemy buildings to disrupt an enemy's stability.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Destroys a small amount of enemy buildings.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves burned down X acres of buildings. OR  Unfortunately, our thieves were too few in number to find any buildings to burn.

Greater Arson

A more powerful version of Arson, this operation allows targetting of a specific type of building to burn down. Only Rogues

can master this difficult operation.

 Available to:       Rogues
 Relations Required: Unfriendly
 Effect:             Destroys up to a max of 6% of targeted enemy buildings at the rate of 0.0045 buildings per thief.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves burned down X [building type].
  • Out of date as of age 63

Night Strike

Assassinates a portion of your enemy's military, both at home and away.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: Unfriendly
 Effect:             Kills up to a maximum of 13% enemy soldiers at a rate of 0.67 soldiers per thief.
                     Also kills a much smaller amount of specialists and elites. Will affect all troops, even those that aren't home.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves assassinated X enemy troops.

Incite Riots

Incites riots which disrupt tax collection efforts for several days.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Decreases targets income by 20%.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves have caused rioting. It is expected to last X days.

Steal Horses

Steals an enemy's horses for your own use.

 Available to:       Rogue
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Steals up to 20% of the targets horses at a rate of 0.35 horses per thief.
                     Note that you only gain half of this number as the rest are released.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves were able to release X horses but could only bring back Y of them.

Bribe Thieves

Reduces the ability of an enemy thieves' guild to conduct and defend against thievery operations until the double agents are caught by the enemy.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Reduces thief effectiveness by 10%
 Operation Message:  Our thieves have bribed members of our enemies' guild!

Bribe Generals

Increases the losses sustained by your enemy in all combat until the bribed generals are discovered by the opponent.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Effectively a 1 in 5 chance per attack to increase troop losses by 15% on all combat.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves have bribed an enemy general!

Free Prisoners

Releases prisoners from an opponent's dungeons. You gain half of them.

 Available to:       All
 Relations Required: All
 Effect:             Releases up to a max of 12% (17% in war) of the targets prisoners at a rate of 0.06 (0.07 in war) prisoners per thief.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves freed X prisoners from enemy dungeons.

Assassinate Wizards

Attempts to assassinate enemy wizards to permanently weaken their ability to cast spells. Only Rogues can master this difficult operation.

 Available to:       Rogues
 Relations Required: Unfriendly
 Effect:             Kills up to a max of 1.2% target wizards at a rate of 0.006 wizards per thief.
 Operation Message:  Our thieves assassinated X wizards of the enemy's guilds!


Attempts to convince enemy peasants, military, or wizards to revolt and join your province. Only Rogues can master this difficult operation.

 Available to:       Rogues
 Relations Required: War
 Effect:             not fully determined
 Operation Message:  We have converted X [wizards, thieves, soldiers] from the enemy to our guild.
                     OR  We have converted X [of the enemy's specialist troops, (elite unit name) from the enemy] to our army.  

« Previous: Mystics Next: War Room »
The Thieves' Toolbox
The Espionage Operations Spy on Throne  • Spy on Defense  • Snatch News  • Infiltrate  • Survey  • Spy on Military  • Spy on Sciences
The Stealing Operations Rob the Granaries  • Rob the Vaults  • Rob the Towers  • Kidnapping  • Steal Horses  • Propaganda
The Mischief Operations Sabotage Wizards  • Destabilize Guilds  • Arson  • Greater Arson  • Night Strike  • Incite Riots  • Bribe Thieves  • Bribe Generals  • Free Prisoners  • Assassinate Wizards
Races & Personalities
Races Avians  • Dark Elves  • Dwarves  • Elves  • Faeries  • Halflings  • Humans  • Orcs  • Undead
Extinct Races Bocans  • Dryads  • Gnomes
Personalities The Artisan  • The Cleric  • The Heretic  • The Merchant  • The Mystic  • The Rogue  • The Sage  • The Shepherd  • The Tactician  • The War Hero  • The Warrior
Extinct Personalities The Freak  • The General  • The Paladin  • The Raider  • The Undead  • The Necromancer
The Utopia Guide
Introduction Getting Started with Utopia  • Creating a province  • Race & Personality
The Menus Throne  • Kingdom  • News

Explore  • Growth  • Science  • Military

Mystics  • Thievery  • War Room • Aid  • Dragon  • Ritual  • Stances

Mail & Forums

Politics  • Relations  • Rankings  • Preferences

Advanced MunkBot  • Invitations  • Reservations  • Utopia  • Province  • World of Legends  • Formulas
Rules Game Rules