Exploring, Construction & Building Formulas

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Construction Time

Construction Time = 16 * Racial Mod * Personality Mod * Builders Boon * Double Speed * Expedient Ritual Mod * Artisan Science Mod
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Builders Boon 0.75 1
Double Speed 0.5 1
Double Speed in Protection 0.75 1
War 0.75 1
Expedient Ritual 0.8 (if at 100% efficiency) 1

Construction Costs

Construction Costs = 0.05*(land+10000) * Race Mod * Mills Mod * Double Speed * Expedient Ritual Mod * Artisan Science Mod
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Double Speed 2 1
Race: Dwarf 0.5 1
Expedient Ritual 0.75 (if at 100% efficiency) 1

Raze Costs

Raze Costs = (300+(0.05*land) * Artisan Science Mod


Building Efficiency

Available Workers         =  Peasants + ROUNDDOWN ( Prisoners / 2 )

Optimal Workers           =  ROUNDDOWN ( Total Jobs * 0.67 )

% Jobs Performed          =  MIN ( Available Workers / Optimal Workers , 1 )

Building Efficiency       =  (0.5 * (1 + % Jobs Performed)) * Race * Personality * Tools Science * Dragon * Blizzard
  • The "Current Available Workers" value, provided by the Internal Affairs Adviser page, already takes prisoners into account.
  • Building Efficiency affects all Flat Rate and Percentage-Based buildings.
  • Building Efficiency has NO effect on Capacity component of Capacity Buildings as well as Universities.
  • Changes in Building Efficiency take effect gradually.
Modifier Type Active Otherwise
Race: Dwarf 1.25 1
Dragon: Topaz 0.75 1
Spell: Blizzard 0.9 1

Building Effects

Percentage Based Buildings = Base Effect * BE * MIN(50%, % of building * (1 + Race)) * (100% - MIN(50%, % of building * (1 + Race)))
Flat Rate Buildings = Base Effect * (Number of Buildings * (1 + Race)) * BE 
  • In general, the Max Effect of a %-Based Building is 25 x Base Effect (exceptions apply, refer to table)
  • If your BE is less than 100%, the effect you would have with 50% of that building is the maximum.
  • If you have less than 100% BE, additional buildings past 50% will have no effect.

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Thievery and Mystic Buildings Guilds  • Towers  • Thieves' Dens  • Watchtowers
Science Buildings Universities  • Libraries